At Pinboard, I bookmark stories that I find informative, entertaining, and/or useful. This page collects the most recent 25 items that I’ve saved.
This page contains only those items that I’ve bookmarked specifically for Foldedspace. If you’re curious, you can browse all of the items I’ve bookmarked on all subjects.
I’ve also made my personal personal “start page” public facing. It’s a big list of links that I use regularly. You may (or may not) like it also.
Recent Reads
Mousprint - a site that focuses on the fine print in consumer packaging
Handy tool for exploring places to live in the United States.
If English were spoken like German [YouTube]
Fun video for Apex and/or GRS Insider.
The perils of audience capture
Great article on the problems with producing content based on audience demand instead of staying true to yourself and your mission.
Reciprocity: Getting what you give [great article about an interesting concept]
The best career decision you can possibly make
Great thread at Metafilter about insect intelligence and the nature of consciousness