Want to keep up-to-date on Foldedspace without the hassle of checking the site for new stuff every day? Consider subscribing. There are two ways to receive regular updates.
Email Newsletter
If you’d prefer to receive email updates, subscribe to the weekly Monday Mélange.
The Monday Mélange isn’t a strict feed of the articles published here. I write the newsletter by hand every Monday. (By “every Monday”, I mean “most Mondays”. Or maybe “occasional Mondays”.) The newsletter contains links to articles from Foldedspace and a round-up of other stories I’ve enjoyed recently, general chit-chat about my life, and (usually) some sort of fun video.
As part of my anti-bullshit pledge at this site, I will never share your email address with anyone else. And I’ll never use your email address for nefarious purposes. That’s the kind of bullshit I hate.
RSS Feed
There are still plenty of people who prefer to peruse the internet via RSS feed. I’m one of them. For us dinosaurs, the Foldedspace RSS feed contains every article I publish.
If you are not a dinosaur but might like to become one, you have options! I use Feedly for my RSS subscriptions. The Old Reader works well too, and I hear good things about Inoreader. (Mac users might want to consider NetNewsWire.)
Updated: 30 June 2023