
From Blog to Book, part one: Publish or Perish?

I thought it would be useful to set down a record of the process. A lot of people have questions about what goes into writing and publishing a book. Maybe my experience can help answer some questions.

I thought it would be useful to set down a record of the process. A lot of people have questions about what goes into writing and publishing a book. Maybe my experience can help answer some questions.

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Crossing the Streams

I’m always amazed when I read about people who can write while listening to non-music audio. Trent claims that he listens to podcasts while writing. How? I could never do that. It’d be like crossing the streams! (Which we all know would be bad, right?)

I’m always amazed when I read about people who can write while listening to non-music audio. Trent claims that he listens to podcasts while writing. How? I could never do that. It’d be like crossing the streams! (Which we all know would be bad, right?)

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This article was originally published at Foldedspace on 14 September 2006. I’ve been noticing this error again lately, and so wanted to revisit the subject. Listen people, this is easy: you do not always use the word “I” when speaking of yourself and another person. I’m going to be called a grammar Nazi for devoting …

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It was late in 2006 that I realized I could potentially make a living writing for the web. It wasn’t until a few months later that I knew that this was true. I earned a modest (but decent) income at the box factory. But starting in February 2007, my web income began to equal my …

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