
I Remember the Train

In which I have fond childhood memories of trains, a mode of transportation that has all but disappeared.

In which I have fond childhood memories of trains, a mode of transportation that has all but disappeared.

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Super Powers

In which we discuss our favorite superheroes and try to decide which super powers we’d like to have.

In which we discuss our favorite superheroes and try to decide which super powers we’d like to have.

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Kind of Blue

In which a conversation with kids — Harrison and Emma — helps turn a blue day into a good one.

In which a conversation with kids — Harrison and Emma — helps turn a blue day into a good one.

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In which I discuss urban legends.

In which I discuss urban legends.

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How Did We Get Here?

In which I share the notes and research I made on 9/11 and the days following, and I try to explain how these things occurred. A great discussion ensues.

In which I share the notes and research I made on 9/11 and the days following, and I try to explain how these things occurred. A great discussion ensues.

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Geek Squad

In which I grew up a geek (especially in junior high).

In which I grew up a geek (especially in junior high).

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Ten Most Important Books

In which my readers and I each discuss the ten books that have been most important to our lives.

In which my readers and I each discuss the ten books that have been most important to our lives.

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American Ethnic Food

In which I discover the joys of Tater Tot Hot Dish.

In which I discover the joys of Tater Tot Hot Dish.

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