Updated: 03 November 2022
I live with my girlfriend, Kim, in a ginormous 1964 two-level home in Corvallis, Oregon. We share our lives with four beasts: three cats and a dog.
I’m actively working on four projects.
- I’m “re-modeling” Folded Space, this blog, which entails looking at (and fixing) every article I’ve published here over the past 20+ years. It also involves gathering the bits and pieces I’ve published at my other blogs during that time and moving that material here. Oh yeah: I’m writing new stuff here too.
- I’m conducting the same sort of content audit at Get Rich Slowly, my money blog. I started with 5000 articles in the archives. I’ve whittled that 2500 articles, but there’s more to go. It’ll take me years to massage the site into something truly useful for posterity. My aim is to convert it into a sort of “free encyclopedia of personal finance”.
- I’m slowly dipping my toes into the waters of video. In 2020, I recorded 69 short “morning musings” for the Get Rich Slowly channel on YouTube. I intend to record more soon.
- My buddy, Jim, and I run Apex Money, a simple link curation site that shares a handful of interesting money stories each weekday.
I also dabble in other projects. From time to time, for instance, I’ll speak at financial-independence gatherings such as Camp FI or the annual F.I. chautauqua.
During the 2020 COVID pandemic, I wrote and recorded an audio-only “Introduction to Financial Independence and Early Retirement” course for Audible and The Great Courses: How to Achieve Financial Independence and Retire Early. You can read more about the course here.
In my spare time, I’ve been play far too much Hearthstone.
Note: Although I generally decline speaking engagements, I love meeting readers and colleagues. Meeting new people is like playing the lottery of life. If you want to hang out when I pass through your town, drop me a line. I’ll probably say yes — especially if the venue involves donuts or whisky…