My brother Tony e-mailed last night. “I’m going to be in town tomorrow,” he said, “but only for a little bit. If you’re free at 8, I’ll buy you coffee.” Tony packed his family and moved to Bend nearly two years ago, so I don’t get to see him very often. I miss him. I …
For the past couple of days, I’ve been sitting in the den next to the DSL modem and the wireless router. “What are you doing in there?” Kris asked yesterday afternoon. It’s not a place I normally sit. “I found an ethernet cable,” I told her, “so I plugged directly into the router. I know …
So, I went out to lunch with Andy last week. Andy is one of my “imaginary friends”, somebody I know only over the internet. More and more, these imaginary friends are becoming actual friends. Crazy, but true. As many wise people before him have tried to do, Andy suggested that instead of having a zillion …
As a follow-up to yesterday’s musical extravaganza, here’s a masterpiece of narration. George Lucas should take lessons: I can picture it now: a blog devoted to the creative arts for the pre-school set. Song! Film! Naps! (My favorite part of this clip? The “symbolic” calendar. (Which is the same cat calendar that Kris and I …
I don’t blog for weeks, but when I do it’s to share pure solid gold: Yes, I know this has been making its way around the internet, and I’m probably the last one to see it. I don’t care. I love it.