Deciding to extend my sabbatical from Get Rich Slowly indefinitely has been liberating. The moment I committed to this, it was as if a heavy load were lifted from my back. I’m able to pursue other passions now without regret. I don’t feel guilty. I don’t feel like I need to give myself “permission”. I …
Because I am a nerd, I like to “theme” my months and years. Doing so helps me keep on task. And it’s fun. One month, for instance, I might make it a goal to go the gym every day. Or maybe I’ll decide that February is devoted to reading books. Well, this year’s theme is …
After months — years! — of hemming and hawing, I’ve made the decision to move on from writing about money as my (mostly) full-time gig. This was an accidental career anyhow, one that I fell into in April 2006. I’m grateful for the time I spent writing books, blogs, and magazine articles about personal finance, …