For two years now, I’ve been talking about taking art classes. I want to learn how to draw and/or work with watercolors. I’m dabbled with both a tiny bit in my free time, but I’m not so good at being self-directed. I’m much better when somebody imposes structure on me, especially when it comes to study. (Left to my own devices, my ADHD takes over and I flit from one thing to the next.)

I’ve been talking about taking art classes, but I haven’t actually taken any. Why not? Mostly it’s because I’m scared. Not scared as in “oh my god I’m going to die!”, but scared as in “trying something new that’s a bit uncomfortable”. Why am I scared? I have no idea. It’s not rational. It’s just how I operate. Starting new things can be tough for me.

Anyhow, I finally overcame my trepidation about a month ago, and I signed up for two art classes at the local community center: Realistic Drawing on Monday mornings, plus Ink Pen + Watercolor on Tuesday evenings. I’ve been super excited about finally making this leap. Go me!

I gathered all the class materials and set them in two piles on the kitchen table. They’ve been waiting there for an entire month, reminding me that I’m about to learn how to do art.

[photo of my art supplies]

Then last week, the community center called to let me know that the Ink Pen + Watercolor class had been cancelled due to low enrollment. I was sad, but at least I had the Realistic Drawing class on my schedule still.

Well, just a few minutes ago the community center called to say that class had been cancelled due to low enrollment also.

This is all funny in a sad sort of way. After waiting so long to register for art classes, I finally took action — only to have my action nullified. Haha.

I’m not going to let this stop me, though. I already have it in my head that I’m taking art classes this autumn, so I’m going to check out the website for the local community college. I’ll bet there are some similar options (although they’re probably more expensive).

6 Replies to “Fall art false start.”

  1. Trivita Roy says:

    Hi JD
    I just read your post. Are you interested in learning simple beginner’s level watercolor art? I take watercolor art journaling classes. If yes, visit my Instagram page @trivitaartjournal. Email me if you want to see some recordings of my classes to see the content.

    • J.D. Roth says:

      Trivita, I like your art. It’s evocative and beautiful. And YES — watercolor art journaling (of the sort you have on your blog) is very much one of the things I’d like to do. I write a ton and always have. I’m looking to add a visual element to the way I document my life. I’m a competent amateur photographer, and that’s great, but I want to draw/paint. I’ll check out your Instagram page.

  2. Erin says:

    The artist who was slated to lead the class may be willing to still teach you as a side job. There’s a chance that the low enrollment stipulation was imposed by the community center & not the artist-teacher.

  3. Connie H says:

    If you’re okay with online classes, I recommend checking out They have a lot of art classes plus other subjects.

  4. Christy says:

    Linn-Benton Community College offers Extended Learning (formerly know as community education classes) at the Benton Center in Corvallis. They always have a selection of art classes to select from.

    • J.D. Roth says:

      Yep, and that’s what I ended up registering to take! I’m doing both the Tuesday and Thursday sessions of “Jump into Watercolor”. It sounds like such a retired person thing to do, doesn’t it? But I’m looking forward to it.

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