Out of nowhere, I have a cough. As near as I can tell it was caused by a bowl of raisin bran, but that makes as little sense to me as it probably does to you. I’ve been coughing all day, a cough both dry and phlegmatic all at once.

Around noon I decided that I had a headache and took to ibuprofen, but they didn’t help.

In the evening, Kris and I watched Rushmore for the gazillionth time. “Feel my forehead,” I said midway through.

“It feels normal,” Kris said. “Are you sick?”

“I don’t know,” I said. “Where’s my temperature gauge?”

The temperature gauge was not upstairs, so I waited until after the movie to find it. By then I was shivering uncontrollably. I am shivering uncontrollably now. My body is cold, but my ears (and forehead) are burning. The temperature gauge says I have a fever of 101.4, my highest temperature in 4-1/2 years. (My normal body temp is between 98.0 and 98.2.)

I am cold. And coughing. And going to bed.

11 Replies to “101.4”

  1. J.D. Roth says:

    11:40, end of first sleep cycle: 103.0. Parched.

    I can only recall having three severe fevers in my adult life now. The first was soon after Kris and I graduated from college. We were at my parents’ house for something or other, and I had to drive back to Salem. Not Fun.

    The second was the above-mentioned Bad Soup incident, which occurred on the morning of the Fellowship of the Rings premier.

    This is the third. I do not like a fever. I do not like it.

  2. John says:

    Hot water bottle, pal! If you don’t have one, you need one!


  3. J.D. Roth says:

    1:15, end of second sleep cycle — 102.7. I am hot. I am burning up, no longer shivering.

  4. J.D. Roth says:

    101.6, splitting headache, sore throat

  5. tiffany says:

    Hope you feel better. Let me know if I can do anything.

  6. Jeff says:

    Sure hope you’re coming in to work… we are without a truck driver today (also sick).

  7. Jeff says:

    Nevermind… I actually got a hold of Nick… he’s coming in early.

  8. Mom says:

    I’m sorry you’re sick, J.D. Do you need to get to a doctor?

    Also, Jeff, thank goodness for Nick, eh?

  9. J.D. Roth says:

    Well, the fever broke lat in the morning, but now it’s back up to 102.3. Jenn called to give me advice (which I appreciate — thanks, Jenn), and tells me that if I’m shivering — which I am now — it means the fever is rising.

    We Roths don’t like doctors, but I’m sure going to see one tomorrow if this doesn’t go away.

  10. Josh says:

    Get better, J.D.!

    Say, aren’t you supposed to be at a LAN party tonight or something? 😉

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