Ugh. I have plenty to say, but I’m just not saying it. The problem is that once I let a few days go by without posting something here, it becomes a Thing. It’s a burden. I feel pressure for my next post to be really stupendous and awesome. But that’s not what my next post is going to be, and I know it.
For example, I happen to know that the two things I want to write about at the moment are:
- How many frickin’ calories there are in a peanut butter-and-jelly sandwich.
- How I’ve begun to use an old-school organization system that gives me the best of both worlds: chore cloud and list of things to do.
But because two weeks have gone by without a single post here, I instead commit a blogging sin: I write about how little I am writing.
Still, now that I’ve got that out of the way, maybe we can move on to more interesting things!
You could always resort to my favorite ‘easy way out’… just post pictures. 🙂
Waiting for the more interesting…… 🙂