Note: died recently, and is gradually being reconstructed. This entry has moved. Its new URL is The 254 comments from before the move can be found here.
This afternoon’s hotly debated topic here at Custom Box Service is the rising popularity of those miniature motorcycles, Pocket Rockets (or Pocket Bikes). Actually, debate isn’t the right word. We all hate them.
For those of you who haven’t seen these trendy “vehicles”, pocket rockets are miniature motorcycles capable of high speeds, but which are not, for the most part, street legal.
They’re annoying.
Here’s the text of a recent Time Magazine article about them:
the following text is from a 28 June 2004 article by Terry McCarthy
The next big thing out of California is 18 in. high, weighs about 50 lbs. and is capable of traveling up to 70 m.p.h. Meet the pocket bike, a scaled-down motorcycle that is selling faster than low-carb hot cakes across the Golden State — and causing nightmares for traffic police.
First popularized in Europe as specialized race motorbikes, pocket bikes are being sold as toys in Wal-Mart and Toys “R” Us as well as in motorcycle stores. Most are made in China and cost between $200 and $400, although souped-up versions can run more than $1,000. They are powered by either two-stroke gas engines or electric motors that can be recharged by plugging into a wall socket. To ride them, you have to squat down with your legs only inches from the ground.
“Today’s kids want the coolest, fastest ride-on toys,” says Carlton Calvin, president of Razor USA, which sells the Razor Pocket Rocket bike ($230). “The play pattern of racing and the freedom of transportation never go out of style.”
The Razor Pocket Rocket is an electric model that reaches 15 m.p.h., and the company specifies that its bikes are designed for controlled environments like go-kart tracks and are not for use on public streets or sidewalks. But websites of other pocket-bike sellers boast “no registration or insurance required in most states,” and some show promotional videos of people riding the bikes on public streets.
As sales take off, law-enforcement agencies are beginning to crack down, warning that pocket bikes are not safe to ride on the street. “They are so small, you can’t see them behind parked cars or in traffic,” says Sergeant Bob Rieboldt of the Los Angeles police department.
In California, pocket bikes are illegal on public roads, according to Rieboldt, because they are motor vehicles that require registration. But the department of motor vehicles will not register them because most do not pass safety regulations governing headlight height from the ground, taillights, brake lights, horns and so on. The California Highway Patrol has issued a statewide special alert about pocket bikes. Of course in some quarters, that will only add to the appeal.
Jeff hasn’t seen many of these little monsters, but they’re ubiquitous in our new neighborhood. Oak Grove must be a hot spot for them or something. The riders seem aware that they’re not street legal, so they don’t ride down the busy avenues. Instead, they zip up and down the lesser traveled streets, such as the one next to our new home. Or, they ride along the edge of the busy roads, in the bike lanes. This is just as illegal as riding on the street, dudes!
Tony complains that they things are so small that they’re impossible for him to see when he’s riding around in his jumbo-sized SUV. He’s afraid he’s going to hit somebody.
Me, I just think they’re noisy and annoying.
Last week, before we were finally moved in and sleeping at the new house, I stopped by for a moment to check on the floor refinishing project. While I was there, some guy was buzzing up and down our street on a pocket bike. An old man came out and asked him to stop. The rider bristled, got off the bike, called the old man a bastard. The exchange grew heated. Neighbors gathered round as the two faced off. It was a little scary, actually. I hope we haven’t moved into a neighborhood of hoodlums!
Other web links about pocket rockets:
- San Francisco banned pocket bikes from city streets.
- Visalia’s problems with pocket bikes and motorized scooters.
- An article from the Detroit Auto Insider
(Another noisy thing in our neighborhood: the kids next door have a trampoline, which is great. They like to use it starting at 10 p.m. and running to midnight, which is not so great. It’s a little annoying, yes, but I actually don’t mind that much because it’s good wholesome fun, and they’re obviously having a good time. (I can tell by their screams of delight.))
hey yall them fucking old people that have nothin else to do then bitch and complain u guys need to fuck off and get a life. cuz i ride mine safe cuz im not a dumbass. and mine is like 3 feet tall and it can be seen from a ford F350 wen im right in fron of it so yall are fucking wrong. also go ahead and get 1 cuz the cops dont care i mean i rode my 2 or 4 today and i just waved and thats all. andd they SHOULD BE LEGAL!!!!! but i dont care if there not cuz i will still do it
First of all, cussing people out only makes us pocket bikers look worse. Secondly, not all pocket bikes are as big as yours, the real pocket bikes are barely visible, mid bikes like yours are more visible though. I would like to see them legalized, but if they were it’d probably be only the mid bike-style with lights, very unlikely the real pocket bikes that are smaller and don’t have any lights or other “safety” features.
pocke bikes are fine there is nothing wrong with them. sure they are loud but so are lawnmowers and leaf blowers so what is the big deal. if people get hurt let them its there problem not yours
Exactly, bob. People are just trying to be mean or jealous when they complain about noise, how do they handle lawn mowers and weed eaters?
I will try to make this short but there is many things I wanted to comment on. It’s reasonable to see why some people think they are unsafe and should be banned, but you don’t own one therefore you only think about one side. I would not want to be in a car on a busy street where its full of pocket bikes BUT thats why there should be rules for them, banning them did not help as people still ride them, why not give us a chance to do it properly.
My bike is 110cc, goes 60mph, has all lights, decent size and ITS TOTALLY USELESS because of the nice law which bans them compleatly. How fun is riding one in a parking lot by urself, not much. When you buy one there is no speech about them being “illegal” unless you ask. How many people who buy them actually use them for “closed circut racing”, not many especially not the less expensive ones which most likely make up 80% of the market. If it’s one of the small ones you can throw it in your trunk and drive it to the track, not so easy with others. With new vehicles theres a need for new laws so why not specify what is required to make them legal, even if on “specific type of streets”. Not to single the smaller models out but at least the ones which are capable of reasonable speeds, and meet safety requirements should be allowed to get registered. The small ones should be allowed in places with MINIMAL traffic, really with no traffic (one or less cars an hour). I have much more to write about but lets just say, I see a need for laws, not a single law which says “illegal on the road” because that is the same as taking them off the market to me. No one races air cooled pocket bikes when there are 30cc water cooled engines capable of making more power and speed, and why put lights and all the other accessories. It’s amazing how many of them sell every year, with the market this large they defineatlly need more attention from officals, one thing i don’t understand is how a bicycle is “street legal” yet a pocket bike with lights and other sefety features is not.
Great write-up! Actually your bike runs in the 30s, MAYBE low 40s. You can’t go by what people advertise (they just give the highest top speed so that you will buy from them) or by the speedometer on your bike. The speedometer is VERY, VERY, VERY inaccurate, as it measures your RPM speed and pretty much guesses your speed by that, not by measuring the amount of rotation of the wheel. Also, Chinese air-cooled probably take up 50% of the racing market, because they cost MUCH less than the European bikes, and are about half the price of Chinese water-cooled. This is the story for most, they buy a cheap bike on eBay, then they find out about mods and start tuning, then they find a track near them and start racing. Most people don’t intentionally race Chinese air-cooled, it’s just that it was really cheap and that’s what they bought, they weren’t going to pay $1,000+ for a European pocket bike, at least not for a first bike (unless you want something more realiable than a Chinese air-cooled, and that bike is the legendary Blata 2.5, great bike, usually $750+ for a good used one, $1,000+ new), yet alone a Chinese water-cooled, at least twice the price of a Chinese air-cooled, being $500+. If it weren’t for the Chinese air-cooled, pocket bike races would suck, being that there would only expensive, water-cooled bikes, and not very many compared to the amount of racing air-cooled bikes. But anyway, great job, and I agree, laws should be made, and to make the smaller ones street legal, they’d require a zip-flag, although I ride mine and the police don’t do or say anything when they see me.
yeh rite . good arguments. I was riding my pocket bike down the street 2day(im 32 on a 47cc bike i can pick up and carry under my arm),cops got me, NOT ALLOWED ON PUBLIC ROADS, ok, well “i pay taxes, you (the council)build pool’s, skateramps, BMX tracks n stuff, wheres my 1 hectare square that i can blatt around on my pocket bike? wake up!! jump outta ya coffins.. were headed 4 2006, planets exploding soon….lifes short etc etc. lol etc etc etc . oooo them DAMN pocket bikes/ i wish i could grab some of u winners by the throat BTW… MARK (above) is a legend!!! says me honestly!!!!!!!!!
ive got a full tank in the morning! Going for a Riiiide on my poket bike, so catch me if u can!
Seriously, I’ve never been pulled over by a cop. I’ve pulled up to an intersection with a cop and it was his turn to go and he drove off without a word. I also saw one while riding with my friend on his Razor Pocket Rocket PR200 and he turned around on that street and followed us, and boy were we scared, but he pulled up to a house and stopped, so he wasn’t after us. I’ve had more cops pull me over on my Go-Ped Sport (not because it’s loud, it’s MUCH quieter than my pocket bike OR driving dangerously), and all they said was that I shouldn’t be riding it and need to ride it home, but never on my pocket bike.
Hi, is there any 110cc pocketbikes, or 200cc bikes that ARE road legal, mainly in Australia? Like if they have blinkers and stuff?
you are all stubid,mabe if you all stop calling the cops on us we wont have to run from them. we only act stubed when you call the cops.After that we just do it to pis you off or to get back at you. you cant stop us riding on the street if you dont give us eny were to ride.
Nathan, I don’t know of any that are road legal, but if you want something in the 200cc range that’s street legal try finding a used Kawasaki Ninja 250.
will, making people mad and getting back at them only makes pocketbikes look even worse. Running from the police is what’s stupid, because then they’ll be more encouraged to make laws against pocketbikes. The reason people are calling the police on you is because you ride up and down the same street over and over. The key is to only drive on the same street every once and a while, and not stay for too long, because it gets annoying to anyone when the sound doesn’t go away.
Actuallyl, Nathan, I do know of one bike, but you’d really be better off getting a Ninja 250 because it’s MORE than worth the price for the quality and reliability compared to getting a Chinese street legal bike. You can tell what this bike looks like because it has turn signals (that stick out) and looks like an 80’s style bike. These bike are harder to find then most midbikes, so good luck finding one.
if you dont like pocket bikes your a fucking faggot and that is the bottom line. they are hella fun to ride and they are the best thing ever. you seriously must take it up the ass if you dont like them. you guys are probably the hella bitchy neighbor that nobody likes and everybody wants to slap. so why dont you get the stick out of your fucking ass, smell the exaust, and start to like pocket bikes and stop being such fucking faggots
See, that’s the reason a lot of people don’t like people who ride pocketbikes. Having a bad mood and disrepecting others with a complaint just makes us look worse and more irresponsible. If someone complains, be kind of quiet where they live, then at the end of the block, start going fast again. If you’re not respectful, you’re going to get in trouble and/or get pocketbikes banned where you live, but if you’re respectful to people who have a problem then they’re far less likely to call the cops and complain on you.
Uhhh I hope everyone who complains about pocketbikes dies. Theyre legal in VA at least, and probably a few other places to ride on streets if you are 16…thats it… no other requirements… so all you pricks who complain about the noise, just die, because its not gonna stop, the pocketbike number is INCREASING not decreasing, fags
i agree with you kevg
people i am 15 and i own a pocket bike and so does my brother and my friends, i admit they are noisy and every one is saying that they should be baned coz of the noise, if your banning them because of the noise then why dont you get rid of a harly davidson you hear them coming up the street even if it isnt your street, i ride this pocket bike around my back yard coz to many cops (they should all die) tell me these are to noisy they never say i cant ride there but because its a pocket bike people have started to hate them and will not see the good in them, and another thing every one that is complaning about these bikes, have you ever ridden one? i used to think they where pointless until i got one so people that havnt riddin one go out and ride one and stop fucking complaning
another thing cops and every one tell us we cant ride any where unless its a legal track fuck that give us a track and we will go there dont take our bikes away, our bikes are like kids to us, if you take them away its not going to stop us ridding we will be back with another one
why should these little bikes be banned its our litle brothers and sisters that are loud at night i think that the pocket rockets should not be banned.
man i getting sick of these fuking cops, got doon again today and there not nice about it they get out there cars thinking their top shit and give u shit about it would be so bad if they spoke to us like humman beings they take advantage of their position
Im 14 and i bought one from trademe which is similar to ebay.though i live in NZ and they are legal and you dont need a license unless you drive on the pathway and anything but your not aloud to drive them on the main road where cars drive.I think its stupid to raise the age all i have to say that other youths out there do stupid things which make us other’s as i mean miss out or get theres confiscated.It was my birthday last week so my dads gonna get it and im gonna use it properly like riding it at the beach with my mate and driving on the pathway and not trying to get killed or kill.Some you should think how you were when your little? didnt you ever say “Thats unfair!!!” yes its unfair,many people complain thats just annoying and makes life hell.If i drive on my property and someone complains ill just give them the finger.I know some of you think of you getting us killed,thats just stupid and if its true not all of us are killers/ of gonna get killed.So ask yourself how would you feel if your parents said you cant have something when you are legally or not aloud?
My mom says she doesnt want me to because she thinks im gonna die and my dad feels proud of me as im growing older and that im getting interested in bikes and mechanic stuff.I love experiening new things but dont do anything to upset people who miss out.
thats my point of view thank you
oh and i forgot that in new Zealand its different in america so you can drive a pocker bike on the footpath and anywhere else except on the road without a license,but if you wanna go on the road you need a license.What im worried about it people riding bikes on the road its dangerous, i see them all the time and my mom nearly killed one.And footpath is nearly always clear but you can pass people if your careful.I think that the government should build a road for pocket bikes,normal bikes if you dont like it.
what is the differance between a real motercycle and a pocket bike. like what the fuck . a motercycle might go like 100 kmh faster but who gives a fucking shyt. pocket bikes should be legal. let people drive them on the sidewalk or in allies because what if you have no fucking transportation one day and you need to be somewere and thats all you have. what the fuck is the point in making them if you cant even fucking ride them on the street. and what is up with the fucking find you can get like for riding a pocket bike you can get a $800 dollar charge and your bike gets tooken away. Make like a fucking lane for pocket bikes so that only you can go there so its more safer.
This is fucking bullshit so im out and peace
what is the differance between a real motercycle and a pocket bike. like what the hell. a motercycle might go like 100 kmh faster but who gives a crap. pocket bikes should be legal. let people drive them on the sidewalk or in alies because what if you have no transportation one day and you need to be somewere and thats all you have. what the hell is the point in making them if you cant even ride them on the street. and what is up with the dumb find you can get like for riding a pocket bike you can get a $800 dollar charge and your bike gets tooken away. Make like a lane on the road for pocket bikes so that only you can go there so its more safer.
This is fucking bullshit so im out and peace
The difference is that pocketbikes are small and extremely hard to see. If you must have some form of motorized transportation, buy a motorized scooter, they’re much easier to see.
I save all my money this year for summer to buy this super pocketbike and now i’m told i can’t ride it. that is some bullsht.This pocketbike cost me 700 dollars. they should just make a god damn pocketbike lane or a place we can go to ride them like a track or something
I fuking hate all these damn law they are fuking dickheads
Peace out from a 14 year old
Just get a Go-Ped, they’re much more visible than and pocket bike, and in some cases faster. I think they’re much more cop-friendly, too.
P.S. Did I mention my Go-Ped completely rapes my pocket bike, and I spent the same amount of money on each! Check out, you can find lots of Go-Peds up for trade in the classifieds (you must be a member for 30 days before you can access the classifieds), I’m sure someone would trade their Go-Ped for it! ;D
But i just brought this bike and it is fast ass hell I got up to 61 when I was racing my dad and he had his car. My bike is called the X-18R-Nitro
ROFL! I promise you didn’t hit 61 mph, the way the bike’s velocity is measured with the stock speedometer is by calculating the speed from the rpm from the engine, hence why when you rev the engine on the ground without the rear wheel moving it’ll say you’re going 5-10 mph. You’re probably hitting mid 30 mph or possibly 40 mph.
hey i purchased the X18R Nitro howz the durability on those bikes (engine)
hit me up [email protected]
Ummm…it’s Chinese, so what do you expect? They’re fairly reliable, but expect a ton of other problems, too. They’re Honda clones, so you can replace it with a Honda dirtbike engine of similar size if you want/need.
I have a question.. Well I just got a 110cc Pocket Bike what goes up to 65mph, and I wanted to know if I would need my licenes to ride it on the street.
They’re not street legal, so it wouldn’t matter if you had your license or not. It doesn’t go 65, though, more like around 40 mph MAX. The speedometers on there are VERY innarcurate and do not measure the speed by the rotatino of the wheel.
If you bought the X18 Pro Racer 110cc then it is street legal as long as you register it and have your license/permit. Those bike come with a VIN number so they can be registered and therefore can be ridden on the street. They are also EPA and CARB approved, so they pass emmision tests.
NFS, if you do not believe the 110cc X18 doesnt go over 40 check this site out…
On that site is a customer who bought one and gives proof they go 63mph.
And on that note I will end this post.
Car speedometers are very innarcurate (varies greatly from the actual speed), but from watching that I will say it does do 50 mph. If he had used a GPS instead, it’d be a whole different story.
Bobwins that is were I brought my X-18 at. I didn’t know they could be registered and become streetlegal thanks.
Josh the engine has been great for me the only thing I did to my bike was take out all the screws and replace them with steel screws.
NFSGAMERUSA mine bike speedometers doesn’t jump when I rev it up only the rpm’s go up.
A 14 year old at the mic, try revving it when it’s it gear. I’m pretty sure it measures the speed by estimating from the gear and rpm you’re at to get the speed, which is quite innaccurate.
KARTMAN, I doubt a go-kart would be street legal.
I agree w/all the ppl that say street bikes should be leagel on residential streets and on bike lanes but it is allways the Idots who pay no attention to what they are doing and get hit by cars and noise wise the bike is quieter than most vehichels and trucks espically desiel trucks and if they still have a problem you can allways buy a scielencer for any bike
Ummm…street bikes ARE legal, usually POCKET bikes aren’t! lol
NFSGamerUSA arent you just the most halarious
Glad you think so.
NFSGamerUSA do u know that there is such thing as sarcasam? if you dont know what that is you might want to grab a dictionary.
The question is, do YOU know what sarcasm is?
OK, I think pocket bikes should be allowed on sidewalks, Even though the valid point was they were to big and to fast, BUT you get people on pedal bikes and some people are FAT and they take up the whole side walk themselves so how can you complain about a pocket bike being to big? I should complain about people being to BIG?
And pocket bikes should be allowed any were and ridden at the age 13 as long as you have an approved helmet for ATV’s, Quads ect.
OK, I think pocket bikes should be allowed on sidewalks, Even though the valid point was they were to big and to fast, BUT you get people on pedal bikes and some people are BIG and they take up the whole side walk themselves so how can you complain about a pocket bike being to big? I should complain about people being to BIG?
And pocket bikes should be allowed any were and ridden at the age 13 as long as you have an approved helmet for ATV’s, Quads ect.
yo im lookin for a x18-r (race editiot) with 13 hp, i have only found 1 site that has this specific bike ( (600+55(s/h)) if there are any sites with lower prices please let me know, im juss trying to find the most bang for my buck, thanks
Taylor, the size isn’t a problem at all; it’s the speed that’s the problem. Anything over 10-15 mph on a sidewalk is dangerous for anyone else who’s walking or even riding a bike. I highly doubt that most people with pocketbikes actually go slow on sidewalks, which poses a danger to them and others on the sidewalk.
x18, there is no 13hp X18, the only pocketbikes that powerful are some the European bikes, such as GRC Moto’s, Blata’s, Polini Motori’s, and BiZeta Motor’s. No doubt, that X18 will still be more than powerful enough. Just search around and see if you find any that sell them cheaper.
I just bought a Razor pocket rocket electric. Is it legal to ride in a neighborhood in delaware and virginia. I mean it barely makes any noise and it only goes like 12 miles per hour.
i dont know what all of these people are bitching about. I just bought a pocket super bike from and it has headlights, taillights, turn signals, mirrors, speedometers, and i even put some lime green neons on the bottom so that paople could see me at night. i even got it registered at the DMV because it DOES PASS the EPA emission standards. I’ve even takin it on the highway. the thing goes 70mph and stands at about 3 feet tall. i’ve seen real superbikes that stand only 4 feet tall. there isn’t a big difference except that i dont need a licencse and i can ride it to work and park it inside. im only sixteen and the only things that my neighbors have said about my green-glowing, 70mph, tiny-ass superbike with a racing exaust is “oh, thats neat! where did you get one, i think my son would want one of those.” so people need to stop bitching about it “being too loud. the noise is gone in a couple of seconds. if i wanted to be loud, i’d get in my friends souped up RX-8 and park it infront of your house with 2 12” subs blairing and then i could do donuts infront of your house just for fun. so SHUT UP and go buy one for yourself so that you’ll have something else to bitch at!
by the way “NFSGamerUSA”, you’re an idiot. if you go to the website that both me and “x18” said then you will see the bike that we are talking about. they’re made in california. and i happen to have one in my garage.
I just bought a Razor pocket rocket electric. Is it legal to ride in a neighborhood in delaware and virginia. I mean it barely makes any noise and it only goes like 12 miles per hour.
Please help me i need to know fast
I am looking into buying a 110 cc mini motorcycle from as well. I live in Massachusetts ( the SECOND most retarded state in the nation- 2nd only to CALI ! )Here they are considered “motor scooters” and cannot be registered , however our laws state that motor scooters do not need to be registered. I’m 33 years old and I like to have responsible fun, I am also looking into buying my children 49cc dirtbikes. I had them when I was younger- it doesnt make me an evil person. I dont mind kids having fun prior to nightfall- I like to see that kids still know how to have fun that doesnt include beating the hell out people and stealing from them. I think it is simply DISGUSTING that some people are so closed minded about having fun. There IS a way to allow folks to have fun in any manner they wish, but jackasses like our own Ted Kennedy and every liberal puke monger in politics would LOVE to create the” communist States of Formerly Free America” – with help of all these uptight knotheads against any type of fun that is louder than BINGO or puzzles! I can understand that pocketbikes are POTENTIALLY dangerous- you would have to be a bonehead to dispute that. But why cant people have the right to take them down the road to the schoolyard where they can ride to their hearts content without being BADGERED to death by the police and/or the Bolshevic Geriatric Society factions found in EVERY bloody neighborhood in America. I am NOT supporting Illegal activity- here in Mass these little machines ARE legal to an extent. I AM HOWEVER supporting a responsible and entertaining use of pocketbikes- EVEN for my CHILDREN.
ROFL! Adam, you’re the idiot here! I’ve been in pocketbiking far longer than you, sorry. I can’t believe you’re so stupid as the think that X18 is built in California! ALL MID-BIKES WITH HEADLIGHTS, ELECTRIC STARTERS, ETC. ARE BUILT IN CHINA. Period. /End. If you’re stupid enough to believe they’re actually “built in California” then you shouldn’t been telling me that I’M stupid! Please, just GTFO while you can because you know NOTHING about your POS “X18”, I can assure you. And thinking that your 110cc mid-bike can go 70mph just puts the icing on the cake… If they could actually go 70 mph, why, then, do the top of the line ATV’s and dirtbikes, with much larger engines and HUGE amounts of power, only go 70 mph or a little more. A little Chinese 110cc engine (a Honda clone, to be exact) couldn’t possibly pull the gearing to reach close to 70 mph. You can continue to believe that BS all those websites advertise, but don’t come in here acting like you KNOW it’s true because the website says so. I bet you believe those POS Cag’s and Cat-eyes go 40 mph, too. You’re an idiot. /End.
Bob, contact your local PD and ask them. I would imagine that no, you can’t, but in some places it is allowed. Go to for more information.
longshot, I personally agree with you as long as young kids who know NOTHING about riding on the street and following traffic laws aren’t what you’re talking abuot.
I would like to be able to take my kids to a schoolyard or a parking lot that is empty and let them ride around under my supervision. I believe that everyone is entitled to have fun. As long as you are not causing safety issues for yourself and people around you. There has to be some happy middle ground for everyone- there is no such thing as only black or white there are a million shades between and yet people cant seem to find them when it comes to this subject. too bad really,those who are unwilling to compromise turn out to be wankers in the end.
does anyone have any trying to find a good super bike…ive been looking at the x18-r nitro…any advice
longshot, I agree with you. As long as you’re supervising them, it should be fine.
pyrodan726, I personally wouldn’t buy any midbikes or Chinese pocketbikes from my experience (My advice, DO NOT buy ANYTHING Chinese!!! lol), but that’s of the better of them. I’d just get a nice Go-Ped or Evo motorized scooter. You can get the fastest production Go-Ped ever, the Super GSR46R, for just under $900 at that goes 35 mph (accurate; it’ll go faster than stock Cags; they go around 30 mph or less) and you’ll never have a problem; it’s MADE IN THE US OF A!
the police shouldn’t arest everyone with a pocket bike on the street. they should monitor the people with them and if they are following the rules of the road and are on less traveld streets than the police should leave them alone. i have one and i follow the rules im only one roads with next to no cars or on tracks. if the police are jelous. i bet some officers let thier kids have a minibike and ride them on the street but then they would arest somone else with one on the street. its bullshit
I have never had any experience with these machines yet but I am looking at buying that little x18-r. I want to cut the swing arm and extend it as well as make it wider.I also want to hop up the mill and push the ponys WAY overboard. I would like to start a mini DRAG BIKE sport. It would be really cool- especially if I could get a few people interested and use a local drag strip or airport runway to hold races. That is what I want to do with super pocket bikes- but then again, everyone I know is convinced that Im friggin crazy anyways.
dakota, police don’t just arrest you, usually they just warn and/or fine, or at least some do.
longshot, go to, there are quite a few pocket drag bikes there. I personally would put my money elsewhere than on a Chinese pocketbike (for obvious reasons), but whatever flots your boat.
OMG you god dam pocket bike haters…
-=dont you just hate it when haters pull shit out of their ass just to cause some bullshit conflict? worrying about their own ass because they hate the 40cc 79CC 110 noise? because its so annoying?=-
i say there the best becouse with world poulltion goin around the pocket bike might be the only thing to ride also to the made to get you from point a to poin b and to just cruise
i have a 26cc two stake gas scooter and i love it im now looking for pocket bike to get me to were i want to go faster.
To all the people hating it up your’s, your angry
cuz some one’s having fun riding on a pb enjoiyng it , you complaining about the noise really? then why don’t ya just make a law to shut up your niebhor’s your spouse family and kids or pets, whats the difference of a full size bike or car going by nothing,it’s the same thing a noise, understand dat many people will agree your the annoying noise
Well, I just wanted to add that my friend bought a few pocket dirtbikes today, and we were both riding them up and down our street (it was in the middle of the afternoon for the love of GOD!) and some old man came out to complain, it could have gotten out of control very easily; I seriously had to restrain from getting so angry that I would have caused this man bodily injury for being such a grumpy old shit.
The only people who complain are those that lost the feeling of having fun. Life is meant to have fun so lightin’ up and smile.
BTW, Adam, that video was made by 90GTVert, a member at It is HEAVILY modified (pipe, carb, MUCH higher gearing, etc.). That X-18 is FAR stock. The stock ones go around 40 mph, and some go slightly faster (ie. 45 mph) because they have slightly higher gearing. It’d be impossible to get a stock one to do 63 mph, yet alone the 70 mph you speak of, that is, unless you through it off a cliff!
iam trying to take a weed eater motor and put it on a mini moto pocket bike but i cnt get my motor to start it dosent look like it is getting gas can anyone help
I recommend going to because you can get much more help there than here. It could that your fuel line is crimped, that your spark plug is bad, that your magneto/ignition has gone bad, that your carb needs cleaning, tons of different things. Try to narrow it down and ask the guys at PBP to help you. Good luck! 😉
I just bought the x18-r and will have it delivered and running in a few days. I’ll keep it stock for now and tweak things one at a time and retest. I’ve also got one of those hand held GPS that very accurately records the mph and max mph (I’ll post my results).
I live in Oceanside, Ca and plan on registering my bike with the local DMV.
I’d like to eventually get into competitive racing. Anyone knows about any leagues or tracks near my area? Or anyone near my area would like to get together on the weekends and setup a road coarse on an unused parking lot, let me know.
There is lots of racing out west in the Arizona/California/Nevada region, so you should be able to find some races fairly easily. Mid-bikes aren’t the ideal bikes for racing, IMO, but you can get some decent performance out of them, just nothing like the 15hp+ 39cc Polini engines that are found on most European bikes. Upgrading to a nice 125cc Honda 4-stroke engine, or a 150cc (directly out of their CRF150R, I believe) could get you some decent, reliable power and performance. Good luck, I hope you enjoy it!
Thanks~! The mini-motos just seem uncomfortably small. I like the new 150R engine Honda created. I’d love to swap for one of those. Anyone out there knows about a kit or has done this already?
And anyone played around with a little shot of NOS??? 🙂
No problem! I can understand what you are talking about. GRC Moto (a European pocket bike company) makes two different versions of most of their bikes, one larger and one smaller, but those cost thousands of dollars. I imagine you only paid around $750 for that X-18R. I’m not very knowledgeable about switching engine in mid-bikes, but I think you can fit most Honda engines 125cc and below into them, since the 4-stroke engines on most mid-bikes (some have 49cc two strokes) are mostly Honda clones. I suggest registering with, they could help you out a lot more than I could. I’m not sure if the new 150cc Honda engine can fit, but if it’s anything like the 125cc and smaller Honda engines, it should. Good luck!
Thanks! Actually I paid $680(tax & shipping).
Got the bike~! I’m in the processes of still breaking it in. 3 gas tanks ( that’s over 100 miles ), is going to take me sometime.
I did however find that you can swap for either a high revving 3v engine, a built 125cc or even go with the monster 160cc upgrade kit for the stock 110cc. That’s a huge 50+% gain (and not just on the top end). What is scary is that I’m not sure how stable these mid-bikes are at high speeds as far as tires, suspension and braking? Just doing around 25-30mph and if you hit a bump on the road in the right place, and the high speed confidence is gone.
Check out
Few issues I did find out already on the x18-r:
1.) battery is shipped dead and it is buried. Tech support indicates that the generator should fill the battery back up eventually.
2.) Handle bars run into the part right below the windshield ( not sure of the technical name ). This “part” of the plastic needs to be filed.
3.) The brake light cable is installed on the clutch lever instead!!!! (China) and you can’t pull out the cable. You have to cut, splice etc. big time pita~!
4.) And the same person that installed the break light cable, wrote the manual for it too is backwards English (China again). The only useful part is reading it for a laugh.
Yeah, it’s Chinese for sure. Just get a steering stabilizer to make it more stable at higher speeds.
I also forgot to mention that I had the ame problem of the handlebar hitting that part of the windshield on my Cag, so I filed it down and used very fine grit sandpaper and it looks and feels as if it were made to be that way.
The problem with registering the X-18 for street use:
No DOT approved tires come on it.
No odometer.
No mirror (aesy fix though).
No license plate bracket (easy fix though).
Rear turn signals have to be 18 inches apart (fairly easy fix).
You can get an odometer fairly cheap and put it on there, and probably find some DOT Approved scooter or moped tires that’ll fit it, too.
i think all you people that get mad over things like this need a life those japan nock offs are made for kids to have fun on. kids want to act like adults why do you think they made power wheels the only thing kids can buy/ride are little things like those pocket bikes thats why the craze is so huge. if you drive respectfully and give all cars the right of way (because there allowed to be on the rode and your not) people should have no problem with little pocket bikes.
Haha, I’m 100% sure that the 15hp GRCs, BZMs, Blatas, Polinis, and other pocket bikes were designed with kids in mind (of course, they’re European)! Also, I think you mean Chinese pocketbikes, whom they probably expected to be a big seller with kids. The Japanese pocketbikes were the original, then Europe, then the cheap Chinese knock-offs. The Japanese and European bikes ARE NOT knock-offs whatsoever. You must be living under a rock if you think Japanese motorized vehicles (cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc.) are cheap knock-offs, as they’re the world leader as far as quality control standards go!
BTW, I totally agree with you, and that’s the way I DID ride my pocket bike and how I ride my Go-Ped. A lot of these people I imagine are very wreckless and ignorant to other people and vehicles.
Fucking hell you middle class lesbo whores. If bureaucratic fuckwits like you people didnt exist there would still be public space for this kind of leisure. Maybe pocket bikes are ridden on roads because you people have cordined off every area where people can have fun on motorbikes and the like, maybe it’s because the same kind of people like you have sued everytime you hurt yourself.
You’re an idiot just like the majority of the other people who’ve posted in this thread.
i’m looking for a c r 125 honda 2 stroke dirt bike from the year 2000 and up thats used and for sale does any one know where i can find it at?
i’m looking for a c r 125 honda 2 stroke dirt bike from the year 2000 and up thats used and for sale does any one know where i can find it at?
Try your local classifieds, eBay, or craigslist.
Hi, I am new to the Pocket Bike world. And I am looking for advice on what would be a good deal that is under $300. Other than a used Euro/Italian/Japanese bike. (may end up doing just that)
Any site recommendations?
(I was thinking about
Any known indicators good cheap bikes?
I would greatly appreciate the advice.
Hi, I am new to the Pocket Bike world. And I am looking for advice on what would be a good deal that is under $300. Other than a used Euro/Italian/Japanese bike. (may end up doing just that)
Any site recommendations?
(I was thinking about
Any known indicators of ‘good’ cheap bikes?
I would geatly appreciate the advice!
No cheap, Chinese bikes are worth it at all, from my experience. Just save and go for a Blata 2.5, it’s the time tested European pocket bike that the Chinese Cag is a copy of.
William… is a very good site for your needs of a pocket bike, i would recommend it over anything else…
1) They are a designated site with EPA and PPEO approved regulations, and the bikes that they sell come with a certificate approving, no matter which bike, that it is legal in all 50 states, all you have to do is show the certificate to the officer if u get pulled over, and he can do nothing more..
for everyone, my opinion on pocket bikes..
i have a 110cc, very fast, about 70mph fast, its a nice little thing, i think you should be able to ride it around your neighboorhood, than again i am only 13 and i cant really assume i have to much word in this quarry, but i’d like to get it out, as u have read above, pocket rocket, i think he has the best saying, a good public speaker. i read in the DMV a general law of all 50 states, that anything that is under 50cc is perfectly legal, they classify it as a “moped”. it must not have more than 5 gross Horsepower, which most of them are comfortably under, must not acceed, or however u spell it, 40 mph. must have 2 wheels. so they are legal, but usually only in designated areas. they say that you should refer to empty parking lots, bike lanes, parks, low-traffic areas, etc.
i agree.
i also agree with not letting them on freeways and main-street lanes. i accept that. although, technically, my pocket bike can reach 70, which is plenty for the free-way, i just dont think it be to safe traveling at those speeds on a little thing, mainly because, if someone passes you, the aero-force will push against u and make you veer out of control. I.E. I’m sure, some of you have been waiting in the turning lane, and had someone going 45 mph pass you, and you have felt your car shake, imagine that, but at higher speeds, and only on 2 wheels…but for all you old hags complaining about them, how would you like it if when you were young like myself, and you were trying to enjoy your child life, and some old person comes along and ruins it all, or calls the cops, im sure it has happened for some of you, its just not cool. Why do it to us?
I say, go get ur vaseline, playboys, lock urself in the bathroom, and masturebate like im sure alot of u older nazi anti-fun elders do. just leave us youth to our fun and games, and go be anti-fun inside of your own house.
if you have anything to say to me, my email is [email protected]
I’d love to hear from you
You made some good points there, Nick, although being disrespectful towards adults about the situation (at least in your post) isn’t going to gain anything but more trouble.
I also don’t see how your mid-bike is street legal considering it’s over twice the engine size limit and probably makes just over 5hp, or close to it, either. I do believe, also, that you must be 16 and/or have a valid driver’s license (although I think a motorcycle permit would be a better bet, which you can usually, at least where I live, get it before you’re 16) to be able to legally ride a pocketbike that’s under 50ccs on the street.
Also, sorry to break it to you, but there’s no way your mid bike is going to reach 70 mph stock, at least not without some major gearing changes, but even then it’d struggle to get to speed. For example, the mid-bike “Adam” linked to (I think he did) was a highly modified 110cc mid-bike owned by a specific member of Pocket Bike Planet (of whom that video was stolen from and put on that site without his permission) and only reached 63 mph, I believe.
Yes i understand that i was showing disrespect to adults, but, were kids..we like to have fun, we dont all have to live under rocks because some old person cant deal with 2 seconds of noise from a pocket bike passing their house…
and yes i have reached about 61 mph on my pocket bike…you have to break it in properly for it to reach those speeds…but than again i weigh about 180 bls, and I did hallow out the muffler, and put in a silencer…dont worry im not some fat little kid trying to get his way on a forum, im speaking my mind.
if u dont, it just goes to show how misunderstanding of a citizen and how bad of a father/mother your going to be, especially if you cant deal with a little bit of noise…and yes
i clearly understand my pocket bike is illegal, but i dont ride it to much elsewhere besides my neighborhood, and it has a silencer so nobody complains about me riding it, its quieter than a car…the only time i have had anyone stop and ask me to not ride around their house, because it was waking their baby, was when i was on my 250cc quad, but it had basically a follow-through muffler and it was loud as fuck…and from then on, i only took it to the jumps and rode it, i didnt say fuck u bastard, its not ur road u cant tell me what to do, i respected him like any normal human being would, but i can’t understand why it can’t always be that easy, not we have the government making all pocket bikes illegal…bull
and u dont have to be 16 to ride a pocket long as its under 50cc…there is a cop that lives like 3 houses away from me, and he has rode my bike, and explained the law perfectly to me, he says i wont get busted as long as i keep it off of surface streets and highways, but its fine in my neighborhood…
Yes i understand that i was showing disrespect to adults, but, were kids..we like to have fun, we dont all have to live under rocks because some old person cant deal with 2 seconds of noise from a pocket bike passing their house…
and yes i have reached about 61 mph on my pocket bike…you have to break it in properly for it to reach those speeds…but than again i weigh about 180 bls, and I did hallow out the muffler, and put in a silencer…dont worry im not some fat little kid trying to get his way on a forum, im speaking my mind.
if u dont, it just goes to show how misunderstanding of a citizen and how bad of a father/mother your going to be, especially if you cant deal with a little bit of noise…and yes
i clearly understand my pocket bike is illegal, but i dont ride it to much elsewhere besides my neighborhood, and it has a silencer so nobody complains about me riding it, its quieter than a car…the only time i have had anyone stop and ask me to not ride around their house, because it was waking their baby, was when i was on my 250cc quad, but it had basically a follow-through muffler and it was loud as fuck…and from then on, i only took it to the jumps and rode it, i didnt say fuck u bastard, its not ur road u cant tell me what to do, i respected him like any normal human being would, but i can’t understand why it can’t always be that easy, not we have the government making all pocket bikes illegal…bull
and u dont have to be 16 to ride a pocket long as its under 50cc…there is a cop that lives like 3 houses away from me, and he has rode my bike, and explained the law perfectly to me, he says i wont get busted as long as i keep it off of surface streets and highways, but its fine in my neighborhood…
Yes i understand that i was showing disrespect to adults, but, were kids..we like to have fun, we dont all have to live under rocks because some old person cant deal with 2 seconds of noise from a pocket bike passing their house…
and yes i have reached about 61 mph on my pocket bike…you have to break it in properly for it to reach those speeds…but than again i weigh about 180 bls, and I did hallow out the muffler, and put in a silencer…dont worry im not some fat little kid trying to get his way on a forum, im speaking my mind.
if u dont, it just goes to show how misunderstanding of a citizen and how bad of a father/mother your going to be, especially if you cant deal with a little bit of noise…and yes
i clearly understand my pocket bike is illegal, but i dont ride it to much elsewhere besides my neighborhood, and it has a silencer so nobody complains about me riding it, its quieter than a car…the only time i have had anyone stop and ask me to not ride around their house, because it was waking their baby, was when i was on my 250cc quad, but it had basically a follow-through muffler and it was loud as fuck…and from then on, i only took it to the jumps and rode it, i didnt say fuck u bastard, its not ur road u cant tell me what to do, i respected him like any normal human being would, but i can’t understand why it can’t always be that easy, not we have the government making all pocket bikes illegal…bull
and u dont have to be 16 to ride a pocket long as its under 50cc…there is a cop that lives like 3 houses away from me, and he has rode my bike, and explained the law perfectly to me, he says i wont get busted as long as i keep it off of surface streets and highways, but its fine in my neighborhood…
sorry about posting 3 of the same bullitens, my computer was freakin out
Hi, I am a 14 year old teenage boy that lives in CA. I’ve personally own 2 pocket bikes a 49cc and 110cc. I ride them everyday, my neighbors don’t mind at all. Actually they find it quite amusing. I always think about others too, I never ride at night, so no one is disturbed. I never ride fast unless there are no children present or any cars. But when they are present I keep it tp a maximum of 15 mph. A motorized scooter causes much more noise than a pocket bike, I don’t see any harm of us kids riding this in the streets. They are lower to the ground, means falls hurt less than a motorized scooter. They are able to control speeds with hydraulic brakes, rather then rim brakes. I believe that pocket bikes should be made legal to people that understand that they are driving a vehicle, not a bike. They need to take more precautions, but many responsible kids should be able to drive this legally.
Good write up, Nick.
In general, most motorized scooters and pocket bikes are about the same as far as sound levels go, at least stock, and I’ll tell you right off the bat a stock Cag is louder than your average stock motorized scooter, though, from my personal experience.
In some aspects I do agree with you about the pocketbikes being safer, but if you’re standing up you also have the ability to jump off and/or roll, instead of crashing with the pocketbike on top of you, plus a scooter is much lighter and can’t really end up on top of you that easily.
Not all scooters have rim brakes, either. Actually, I don’t know of any with them, but I guess you mean tire brakes (what I call them), and the only ones that I know of that do are the old ADA Avengers (no longer in production), the hard-tire Go-Peds, and a few cheaper Chinese scooters you never see anymore. They’ll stop you quicker than you’ll ever want to, hence why so many newbies have problems getting used to how strong and sensitive their brakes are and flip over the bars so easily. Most scooters have disc brakes similar to your 49cc pocketbike, and will probably stop quicker if they’re American made, due to them being higher quality and better built. You can also buy Magura Julie brakes for air-tire Go-Peds, which are top of the line hydraulic brakes widely used by BMX freestylers and mountain bike racers.
thanks NFSGamerUSA
but i got my word out, and if anyone has anyhting more to say to me, say it now, because i think im done with this subject now guys….
hello my name is shawn emery and i am the tresurer of the RCPRA, river city pocketbike racing association, we are a canadian organization and we race pocketbikes on tracks, parking lots and our objective is to get these guys off the street and onto the track. We have waivers and CMA insurance incase something goes wrong. We have rules that states you must have long sleeves durable shoes helmets with some kind of gaurd for your jaw, along with knee pads and elbow pads. The reason i am saying all of this is because if you want these people to stop riding on the streets do some research on local areas where they can ride Legally, and most importantly safer. I have a teammate who lives in Visalia California, and there are four or five tracks within 1 or 2 hours of driving. These events run all weekend, with the first day being practise and qualifying and the second day racing. from there they can go bigger and faster and step up to a liquid cooled pocketbike, then meaybe a euro pocketbike. from there and if they got the funds… they can steep up to a metra kit or NSR. In alberta canada there is a 15 year old kid names brett mccormick. he used to race pocketbikes and then moved up to metrakits and motards. then the next year after that he is racing canadian super bikes and has allready won a few races. So dont think of these guys as punks thinks of these guys as potential and help them while you are helping yourself and your neighbours.
hello my name is shawn emery and i am the tresurer of the RCPRA, river city pocketbike racing association, we are a canadian organization and we race pocketbikes on tracks, parking lots and our objective is to get these guys off the street and onto the track. We have waivers and CMA insurance incase something goes wrong. We have rules that states you must have long sleeves durable shoes helmets with some kind of gaurd for your jaw, along with knee pads and elbow pads. The reason i am saying all of this is because if you want these people to stop riding on the streets do some research on local areas where they can ride Legally, and most importantly safer. I have a teammate who lives in Visalia California, and there are four or five tracks within 1 or 2 hours of driving. These events run all weekend, with the first day being practise and qualifying and the second day racing. from there they can go bigger and faster and step up to a liquid cooled pocketbike, then meaybe a euro pocketbike. from there and if they got the funds… they can steep up to a metra kit or NSR. In alberta canada there is a 15 year old kid names brett mccormick. he used to race pocketbikes and then moved up to metrakits and motards. then the next year after that he is racing canadian super bikes and has allready won a few races. So dont think of these guys as punks thinks of these guys as potential and help them while you are helping yourself and your neighbours.
ok here in canada under the highways traffic act it is illegal to ride a pocketbikes on the streets THATS IT! and you can be charged up to 500 dollars and have your bikes impounded for the first offence! thats why i have all 4 of my bikes in my garage tuned and ready to race every sunday. so why have a pocketbike go down the street turn around and come back where is the fun in that? why dont you find an organization where they race bikes. nothing is more fun than riding behind the leader with just inches separating your front tire and his back tire then you get into the turn harder than hima nd you got the inside line sliding your knee on the pavement and giver on the gas on corner exit and you come out the leader! so thinka bout it and get back to me. ill be waiting.
I’m glad to see you’re trying to get pocket bikers off the street! Your racing organization sounds fun! Too bad I don’t have a racing organiztation near me!
where abouts do ya live NFS gamer? as well i see in a lot of your posts you reffer people to PM me on there i am inthelead83 i would like to share info with ya
Aw, I live all the way down in Birmingham, I’m not close enough to your organization to participate it, unfortunately for me. I’ll drop you a PM.
Aw, I live all the way down in Birmingham, I’m not close enough to your organization to participate it, unfortunately for me. I’ll drop you a PM.
ya know what dude i searched and i searched and i couldnt come up with anything in your area. i even asked my buddy who knows everything about pb’s well damn near close and there was nothing. the closest place that i could come up with was in jacksonville florida. there is an organization that races motards and everything like nsr’s and metrakits but no PB’s. which sucks cause the AMRA my favoirte racing leuge races motards and all of that and PB’s most organizations do. OH well cant say i never tried.
Yeah, there’s just not much interest in the area, but thanks for trying!
WTF, y do ppl hate these things so bad with a passion. I got called on just because some old fart 3 doors down does not like me. I was just riding up and down my lil residential road and that A**hole called the cops on me!!! I was like if u have a problem come and talk with me instead of hiding behind cops. It was 2pm on a sunday afternoon on a road almost no one ever drives on. I live here in ontario canada and i dont know y they just dont leave us alone, it is just like a motorized scooter or a bicycle. I can do 50kms+ on my bicycle and they are not illegal to ride, so y dont the cops arrest me on my bicycle. -One more pissed of pocket bike rider
God, all you guys are so disrespectful, it’s no wonder why you all get in trouble. Riding up an down one street continuously for a while can really piss neighbors off, and it’s quite understandable. It’s a lot different when you are just riding around your neighborhood and go down that street once or twice while riding around, but riding up and down it for even 5-10 minutes will start to piss many people off. Have some respect for your neighbors, man. 😉
Well, Go peds are legal if your old enough. If a goped is legal, with the same engines, why not a pocket bike? Both are upgraded to be loud and powerful. The whole “noise” issue is stupid. Whoever cares that much about that noise has issues. If you know a kid in your neiborhood with one and want to argue about nothing, talk to them at their house and ask if he could ride less or ride in a different neiborhood every once in a while. But dont ban other peoples fun becuase you can hear a light buzz for 5 minutes out of your day.
I just think that people are over-reacting over the whole thing.
Go-Peds (the REAL Go-Peds) do NOT have the “same” lousy, POS, low quality, POS engines as the cheap Chinese pocketbikes. Period.
Both CAN be modified to be louder (but not purposefully, it just comes with the performance gains). Any piped Go-Ped reaches way up in the dB range, as I can hear the quietest piped Go-Ped in my neighborhood all the way from its owner’s house, about a 1/4 mile away. Mine is at least over 100 dB, and I have a center-bleed pipe (the stinger is in the middle of the expansion chamber). The end bleed pipes, like on all pocketbikes I’ve seen along with some made for Go-Peds, are MUCH louder, but most aftermarket pocketbike pipes have a muffler of some sort that comes with the pipe. All of these small-engined, two-stroke machines are quite loud, but as you said, Ross, it shouldn’t be a problem if you only go down a street once or twice, but consistantly riding up and down the same street is what gets annoying and is probably the cause of all of these scooter bans throughout the US and Europe.
hey chris dude where about do you live in ontario cause there are oh say about 5 leuges in ontario! you got sutton toronto thunderbay ect. ect. here are a couple links for ya
I love Pocket Bikes, I have rode them and love it. You tell me why you haters always have to cause a problem, with Hummers, “gas-guzzlers”, the neighbor’s dog, etc. If I want to risk my life by riding something that goes 60-70 mph in between my legs and squatted down, SO BE IT, it’s none of your business. I’m not saying safety isn’t a priority, but EVERYTHING HAS A RISK. You won’t buy your kid a pocket bike, but they turn 16 and you turn around and buy a Mazda RX-8 or similar. I didn’t see you hesitate one bit in buying that vehicle, where as a 1/83 chance applies that he/she will have an accident that will cause him/her to be disabled.
Until you have ridden one, don’t say you don’t like it because of the sound, I asked a county police officer, he said they probably wouldn’t care as long as I am safe around the traffic and no crackling Harley-Davidson muffler. How can they be illegal when the police don’t enforce a law that isn’t concrete? Don’t screw this up, too, just like you guys did with firecrackers in my state. One of these days you people may learn this “…Crap doesn’t stink until you play in it…”. If I got three or four fingers blown off with a “cherry bomb”, I might quit throwing cherry bombs.
BFRPockets, you rock! :~)
I so totally agree with you.
Crap doesn’t stink until you play in it…, bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! I love it!
what is up with all of you punks riding on the street and ruining it for us! yes i mean the people who actually race these! ok i am the RCPRA treasurer and RCPRA liquid cooled pocketbike champion and one thing i hate is you guys who buy a cag for 300 bucks and ride up and down the street! our goal at the rcpra is to get everyone off the streets and into some gear and on a track! the first thing i did when i bought my first bike was took it apart checked it out put it back together to break it in at THE RACE TRACK! i have travelled across canada to race! and have done very well i now own 4 bikes including the same ol same ol cag c1 c2 and a blata b1 origami! ok now if ya need help finding a local pocketbike leauge ask me i know many places and if i dont i know the people who do!
Well, I’ve read a lot of the posts and i agree alot with pocket rider.
P.B. should not be banned ENTIRELY
yes ok PB’s Should not be banned entirely JUST BANNED FOR BEING USED ON THE ROAD! ok since i really hate people who ride their PB’s on the road i would give them 2 life sentences with no parole!
A pocket bike riders head isn’t visible at window height. No matter how many times its said it seems to be overlooked by the angy pocket bike street rider. Most likely it’s because they’re too young to drive a car and have no understanding about the responsibilities and liabilities of a person driving a legally registered and licensed motor vehicle.
example, a person in a car wants to make a right turn. they signal and check to make sure the way is clear. The pocket bike is net to the car but the driver can’t see it. Right turn, dead 12 year old kid. Who’s fault? The driver of the car. Even though the pocket bike was illegal, and didn’t belong on the street, the driver of the car will be charged with Involuntary man slaughter, unsafe turn or lane change, and have an accident on their driving record.
Take your bike to the track. Don’t ruin the sport for the rest of us.
A pocket bike riders head isn’t visible at window height. No matter how many times its said it seems to be overlooked by the angy pocket bike street rider. Most likely it’s because they’re too young to drive a car and have no understanding about the responsibilities and liabilities of a person driving a legally registered and licensed motor vehicle.
example, a person in a car wants to make a right turn. they signal and check to make sure the way is clear. The pocket bike is net to the car but the driver can’t see it. Right turn, dead 12 year old kid. Who’s fault? The driver of the car. Even though the pocket bike was illegal, and didn’t belong on the street, the driver of the car will be charged with Involuntary man slaughter, unsafe turn or lane change, and have an accident on their driving record.
Take your bike to the track. Don’t ruin the sport for the rest of us.
Well said, Baratacus! 😉
umm can sum1 tell me where to get a silencer or how to make one cause these frikin australian cops keep on looking out for us cause sum grupy old fuk keeps on complaining
Go to, they can help you out.
HEY! ZAHEER! GET OFF THE STREET! GET ONTO A TRACK! WAY BETTER AND MORE FUN! Whats the point of flooring it down your bay infront of your house stopping tunring around and flooring it back, im sorry it just does not add up in my mind. If you get onto a track then you will have some of the greatest moments of your life and stories to tell to your children someday I KNOW I WILL! here is a link to a australian pocket bike forum PLEASE GO ON IT!
i am thinking of getting one and see no problem with riding it, cars are a thousnads times more dangerous and when u look at the pocket rocket it doesnt seem so dangerous, just depends who is rding it i aslo wanna noe what the legal limit in colorado, aurora 49cc, 55cc, 110cc i was thinking of getting a 110cc but not sure and im talking about residential not main roads plz contact me at [email protected]
Cars are NOT more dangerous that pocket bikes. They have air bigs, crumple zones, seat belts, you name it. Plus, cars have a very hard time seeing people on pocket bikes because they’re so small and so low to the ground, which also makes it very unsafe for you to ride on the street.
Ive been reading the whole page for about qn hour now and agreed w/ some and dissagreed w/ most.
Im only 14, ill be 15 next week but ive been riding 50cc pocket bikes the last two summers on residential streets, main roads, and any other kind of street not being freeway…
Cops see me around the whole day and they have actually become sort of “friends” w/ me…
I ride wearing a helmet, my pocket bike does have lights, and horn…
I live on a Big City, (Quincy,Ma), just off South Boston…
If these pocket bikes were really so Dangerous and so Illegal im sure i wouldnt have both the pocket bikes i have today…
It’s just a fun way of transportation, and living… RESPONSIBLY
Ive been reading the whole page for about qn hour now and agreed w/ some and dissagreed w/ most.
Im only 14, ill be 15 next week but ive been riding 50cc pocket bikes the last two summers on residential streets, main roads, and any other kind of street not being freeway…
Cops see me around the whole day and they have actually become sort of “friends” w/ me…
I ride wearing a helmet, my pocket bike does have lights, and horn…
I live on a Big City, (Quincy,Ma), just off South Boston…
If these pocket bikes were really so Dangerous and so Illegal im sure i wouldnt have both the pocket bikes i have today…
It’s just a fun way of transportation, and living… RESPONSIBLY
Ive been reading the whole page for about qn hour now and agreed w/ some and dissagreed w/ most.
Im only 14, ill be 15 next week but ive been riding 50cc pocket bikes the last two summers on residential streets, main roads, and any other kind of street not being freeway…
Cops see me around the whole day and they have actually become sort of “friends” w/ me…
I ride wearing a helmet, my pocket bike does have lights, and horn…
I live on a Big City, (Quincy,Ma), just off South Boston…
If these pocket bikes were really so Dangerous and so Illegal im sure i wouldnt have both the pocket bikes i have today…
It’s just a fun way of transportation, and living… RESPONSIBLY
(accidently posted 3 times because of an error message)
hello i got a question. last summer i broke my pocketbike seat ( at the end of the pocketbike seat before the part that goes over the exhaust pipe) i need to know home to fix it useing house hold items
I realise this is an old topic, however felt I had to comment as a pocket/midbike enthusiast.
I’m 27 years old, and I enjoy little bikes. I also own a 50cc street legal scooter. I have a motorcycle permit, and am working towards my license. Even after being on street legal scooters and a 600cc bike, I want to get back on a pocketbike. There is nothing quite like it.
I will agree, they can be annoying to neighbors. They are also unsafe, in the wrong hands. I’ve done more than my share of knucklehead stunts, but when operated in a controlled environment, the safety level all depends on the rider. They are not meant for street use, but sure can be a lot of fun in a yard or parking lot.
My advice to other riders would be to look for secluded spots. If you must ride near houses, pay attention to the people’s reactions. I have an area near my house where people sit on their porch and enjoy watching. In other areas it is made apparent you aren’t welcome. Choose your riding spots wisely.
This isn’t rocket science. Be as respectful as possible in the area you ride. If someone complains, start looking for a new spot.
To the anti-pocketbike-crowd, voice your complaints in a respectful manner. Yelling at someone before being rational and level-headed is not the proper course of action, and likely to yeild little, or no, result. We’re all human beings, driving a pocketbike doesn’t change that.
This is somewhat off-topic, but just to worry some of the conservatives a little more…
There is now an X-18 midbike (which everyone seems to classify a pocketbike anyway) capable of over 100mph, GPS verified.
Thanks for making an excellent comment, 90GTVert, I never thought you’d even find this place. Also, is this you in this video here? If so, how modified is your bike in the video?
Kofi, I’m not sure what you need fixing, you can probably buy a new seat depending on the model (link us to a picture of what your bike is like). If you mean the seat is cracked or something, then it should still work okay, just duct tape it or something.
yo GTVert dude, instead of picming your spots wisely WHY DONT YOU GO AND FIND A PLACE TO RACE THEM! if there isnt anywaywhere THEN MAKE A PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im sorry but i can’t just can’t stress on this enough!!!! i am the RCPRA treasurer and our #1 i repeat our #1 goal is to get these guys off the street and onto the track with the proper gear, i gaurantee it is much more fun then going up and down some street by yourself pissing everyone off. go to these 2 sites where we can help you and everyone else further and also go to to read about our organization and how to start your own if you have to. you do not need a real track just a parking lot with some pylons HECK THATS WHAT WE STILL DO HALF THE TIME! so please go to them
are u a millionaire
are u a millionaire
Hey Shawn, I coul be wrong but my guess is that it’s legal for him, especially since he’s an adult and has a motorcyle license. Even if it isn’t legal for him, at least he’s responsable (unlike the majority of these kids) and has the motorcycle license to prove he actually took a test to prove him able and intelligent enough to ride a bike.
still it is illegal none the less, why not go aproach parking lot owners say hey can we race here make up a waiver and invite other pocket bike enthusiasts. But no one here wants to take my advice fine, IM GONE CYA! IM DONE WITH THIS FORUM! if you still want advice from me i am on many pocket bike forums if i find one i join it! my screen name is inthelead83 but like i said before everyone here accept NFSgamer pisses me off. goodbye
why are people complaining about how small these things are, just get outta your suv’s and ride one of these things then you will see the point. Everyone who dislikes these bikes has never ridden one so STOP COMPLAINING!!!!!! You cant say you dont like it if you have never tryed it, so go out to the road and ask the kid goin by on a pocket bike and ask to ride it!!! Then you can judge, cause if it was just noise then all weedeaters, chainsaws and gas blowers would be banned cause they are just as loud as a pocket bike and i have never seen a cop show up just because someone was running there weedeater during the day!.
why are people complaining about how small these things are, just get outta your suv’s and ride one of these things then you will see the point. Everyone who dislikes these bikes has never ridden one so STOP COMPLAINING!!!!!! You cant say you dont like it if you have never tryed it, so go out to the road and ask the kid goin by on a pocket bike and ask to ride it!!! Then you can judge, cause if it was just noise then all weedeaters, chainsaws and gas blowers would be banned cause they are just as loud as a pocket bike and i have never seen a cop show up just because someone was running there weedeater during the day!.
The video NFSGamerUSA posted is mine. I’m not the one driving the bike though. That was shortly after he first got the bike, and there are no parking lots here with that type of space. I’m sure everyone hates seeing it on the street, but what’s done is done. That bike had exhaust, rear sprocket, and carb tuning. That’s the video everyone steals from me to sell x18s.
Since then, the scooter is the only thing driving on the shoulder. The pocket bike is not legal on the rd in my area, and i’d prefer to keep my license.
By the way, I’ve been riding these for a few years now, some rather loud, not one complaint from a neighbor. If they did call, I’d prob do just what chris said, and call the police the next time they hop on the riding mower. I’ve got a few acres of yard to ride in, same as he’s riding the mower in his yard. That’s non-stop full throttle for a couple hours. Maybe next I’ll complain about his dog barking, and then him calling the dog too loudly. His truck is a little loud when it starts up. When he cuts grass and blows it in the road it could injure a scooterist or motorcyclist, anyone that’s driven one knows that. Perhaps I should call him in for attempted murder, because he knows I drive by everyday.
In case it wasn’t obvious, I am trying to make a simple point. We can pick apart everything and be bitter, or we can enjoy life. You be bitter, I’m going to live.
Pocketbikes are just a better way of having fun you know its better than going out on Fiday nights drinking, partying an getting killed to all the people…the kids are jus trying to have fun and to the SUV drivers……..why won’t you jus drive like a regular person and not like a maniac..and i hate trampolines!!!!!!!!!!
Pocketbikes are just a better way of having fun you know its better than going out on Fiday nights drinking, partying an getting killed to all the people…the kids are jus trying to have fun and to the SUV drivers……..why won’t you jus drive like a regular person and not like a maniac..and i hate trampolines!!!!!!!!!!
Pocketbikes are just a better way of having fun you know its better than going out on Fiday nights drinking, partying an getting killed to all the people…the kids are jus trying to have fun and to the SUV drivers……..why won’t you jus drive like a regular person and not like a maniac..and i hate trampolines!!!!!!!!!!
You old farts! Why do you think I bought a pocket bike for 380 dollars. Now lets see, oh I remember, TO RIDE ON THE DAMN STREET! They are not noisy either because they have quietly tuned exhausts so take that you old broads.
It is also bull-crap that it is illeagle to ride on the sidewalk. I mean its no different riding 20 mph on a pocket bike than riding 20 mph on a bicycle.
You guys are really taking this over the top!
Actually, I didn’t post it, 90GTVert, that Adam kid did, but excellent point made. 😉
okeyits time an actual kid speaks up.(1) DAVE you said most pocket bike drivers are bad ass kids that rip around and piss people off! well your wrong smart a*$. iam 14 years old and ive had my pocket bike for 1 year and i am vary couses. if i see people around me i stay away from them, i dont ride at night(thats just wrong), and i am safe with it always where a motor cycle helmet not a bike helmet a motor cycle helmet. and if any body starts complaning about the noise well go f*$k your self because gas powered hege trimers ar atually a lot louder because the have no silencer on them.i live in kitchener ontario canada a pocket bikes are band here but its really stupid because theres no where they let you drive them so people just dicide that they have to break the law and drive them any way.but this pocket bike law is starting to really starting to f*$kin piss me off because there is no reason for this they should just say; get thi type of exgust silencer and only drive on these paths and its not like there poluting the envronment or any thing. they spit out about .001% of wahat a car polutes and they use a little tank of gas wich lasts for weeks. ive only had to fill it up maby 10 time and i use it alot! please government get the law straght because kid like me which spend $300 on something the government says we cant even start in are front yard arnt going to give a sh*t any more and even if theres a law were going to still drive them.
I don’t have a liscense what can I do to get anywhere, it was taken away. I have to go through the embarasment of riding this poketbike through my town. I’m not going back to jail. the fastest one is 70mph! I tried to pay money, but the courts wont eccept my money, they want me to do time. Fu$# that! this world is so complicated. Does anyone have advice or other choices for me. Jail is not an option! Don’t be surprized to see me flyin by at 70mph 1 foot from the ground! that sounds crazy!!! well thats what time does to you, but I am a good person at heart! just angry HELP!
I have two pocket bikes my self, and I fixed them and modified them, but I can never get to ride them! I think there should be a law which allows for the riding of pocket bikes in certain places, and at certain times due to the noise it makes. Im am in fact a 16 year old kid who likes to have fun, but not do something dangerous and hert myself. I relize how dangareous these can be in an uncontroled enviroment and thats why I think there should be places such as parks where these bikes can be ridin safely.
I have two pocket bikes my self, and I fixed them and modified them, but I can never get to ride them! I think there should be a law which allows for the riding of pocket bikes in certain places, and at certain times due to the noise it makes. Im am in fact a 16 year old kid who likes to have fun, but not do something dangerous and hert myself. I relize how dangerous these can be in an uncontroled enviroment and thats why I think there should be places such as parks where these bikes can be ridin safely.
well there are pocket bikes fully equipped with brake lights, turn signals, and a horn. i currently own 3 of these fully equipped bikes they are 110ccs and incredily fast(65mph) with my mods. and if i didnt have these bikes and fell off numerous times i wouldnt know or have any limits and would be just a menace. every generation has something that the generation before them dislikes. for our generation its pocket bikes. you guys are complaining. if u were considered as a menace and nuisance u might not be the same people. what i am saying is u werent stopped from doing what u wanted to do when u were young so why stop us? pocket biking will continue whether or not u like it. do you prefer us spend our money on beer or drugs? pocket bikes arent just fun they are also a form of hands on education.
well there are pocket bikes fully equipped with brake lights, turn signals, and a horn. i currently own 3 of these fully equipped bikes they are 110ccs and incredily fast(65mph) with my mods. and if i didnt have these bikes and fell off numerous times i wouldnt know or have any limits and would be just a menace. every generation has something that the generation before them dislikes. for our generation its pocket bikes. you guys are complaining. if u were considered as a menace and nuisance u might not be the same people. what i am saying is u werent stopped from doing what u wanted to do when u were young so why stop us? pocket biking will continue whether or not u like it. do you prefer us spend our money on beer or drugs? pocket bikes arent just fun they are also a form of hands on education.
i agree with michael on this pocket bike problem as you people call it. i own 2 110cc bikes that are stock. i bought them when i was 17 with my own money that i earned so i was not a spoiled child. yes they are loud but there a blast to ride and it gets kids outside and doing something other than sitting around watching tv. ive learned alot about 2 strock motors and four strock motors because of them. so im leanring. so stop complaining about people being outside ejoying life. life is ment to be enjoyed. you only live once so enjoy it.
i agree with not being aloud to ride them on the main streets…. but in abandoned parking lots?? what about allyways??? cmon
i agree with not being aloud to ride them on the main streets…. but in abandoned parking lots?? what about allyways??? cmon
i dont get why pocket bikes are illegal, im trying to save up but the day i get enough money i find out that there illegal. i dont have that much land so there would be no point to just buy it to ride on 5 by 5 square piece of grass.
peace =(
i dont get why pocket bikes are illegal, im trying to save up but the day i get enough money i find out that there illegal. i dont have that much land so there would be no point to just buy it to ride on 5 by 5 square piece of grass.
peace =(
This is why I don’t like most people from our previous generation. *MOST* of them are stubborn and are blinded to the fact that drinking and driving, drugs…etc are much worser than pocket bikes. They’re simply jealous that they didn’t get this kind of fun when they were younger. I asked my aunt to buy me a pocketbike in California 2 years ago, and I wasn’t a spoiled brat like what those government people are saying. I paid my aunt back the first day she came to visit me, but I found out that it was very difficult to bring it from California to Canada. I’ve waited patiently for 2 whole years, and I still didn’t recieve it yet. My parents promised me that I can fly to US this August by myself and bring it back, but now I don’t really want to go. Many people are saying these bikes aren’t supposed to be ridden on the streets, and I’m very aware of this, but there are several parks and abandoned places that allow these bikes for me to play at. I’m only 15 years old, I really love bikes because they’re cheap and fast, pollutes less than cars and they save alot of money on gas. I had a job delivering newspapers and I worked extremely hard for a whole year, just to save up enough to buy the pocketbike. When I don’t delivery on time, those damn bastards sent complaints about me. I had to work very hard, carrying a whole stack of paper. You don’t even have to f*cking pay me to do it for you, WHAT KIND OF F*CKING POSITION ARE YOU IN TO F*CKING COMPLAIN ABOUT IT. F*CK I HAD TO WORK DURING THOSE HOT SUMMERS, THE SUN WAS BURNING ON MY BACK, CARRYING THOSE PAPERS *UPHILL*. F*CK YES I HAD TO DELIVER TO 2 STREETS AND ONE OF THEM WAS A F*CKING HILL, AND IF I DONT PLACE THEM ON THEIR NICE RACK THEY COMPLAIN. THEY THINK THEY QUEEN AND KING IM NOT THEIR SLAVE GOD I SWEAR ONE DAY I’LL GO SHOOT THEM WITH MY BB GUN I F*CKING SWEAR I KILL THEM. AND WHEN A WHITE KID DELIVERS THEM LATE FOR DAYS, THEY DONT GIVE A F*CKING SH*T!!!!! I WORK H-F*CK WHY AM I EVEN WASTING MY TIME HERE MAYBE THE ONES WHOS READING THIS IS ALSO ONE OF THEM, DESPISING ME F*CK YOU ALL!
Sorry everyone I shouldn’t have sweared so many times, sorry, but I was really mad when I thought back to those times when my work was never apprieciated. Put yourself in my shoes, they don’t have to pay and yet they’re complaining. I’m just a kid, yes it’s a horrible excuse, but they never thought about me. I’ve had frequent injuries when doing the paper route, expecially in the winter and fall because it rained alot. I’ve slipped many times on the hill, I’ve wiped out before going down the hill with my papers while riding my bike. The people aren’t aware of this, they don’t care, they were spoiled brats when they were young, they got their allowance, I don’t. They think I’m getting billions for doing this job, I don’t. I worked a whole year to earn approx. $400 CAD. I knew it was not worth it, but it was the only way for a 12-13 year old to earn money here. I sacraficed alot just to buy that pocketbike. Was it really worth it?… To deliver heavy inky papers house to house, scorched by the sun during summer, drowned in unforgiven winds and rain, abused by merciless blizzards in the winter while others are having fun in their heavenly houses, drinking hot chocolate laughing at me as I walk by. It was the worst experience I’ve ever had in my life, to sacrafice so much. The weather was just the beginning, the constant complaints echoes through my mind even today. I really felt bad, I really want to … kill them. I loathe people from the previous generation because of this, many people nowadays are led to suicidal attempts from the torments of these adults. I’m not saying adults are bad, but the ones I’ve met are unforgivable. I doubt any of you will agree with me, you may even think I’m crazy, sometimes I think I’m crazy too. There are too many people on this world today, that thinks everyone else is happier and luckier than they are. They are very wrong. I dropped by the water park last month, and I thought to myself, “all this water, why is it being wasted? Do you know how many people in this world are suffering from lack of water?” I felt really bad inside because I live in such a shameful country. The people here are fat and greedy, they have so much, but their intelligence is 0. In Europe, Asia…and many other continents, the education is less stressful, they’re even smarter. Why are Americans so … unsuccesful? The people here are mean, selfish, greedy and unhappy. I know these kinds of people are everywhere around the world, but in America, these kinds of people are abundant. No wonder the Virginia Tech Massacre occured. The murderer must’ve felt like me, tormented repeatedly, and eventually he became mad. The society is creating more and more maniacs, people with phycological problems, and the only ones to blame is themselves.
I’ve read many arguments and people that want pocketbikes to be banned are ones that follow everything by the book and ones who want them to stay just wants a little bit of fun. This is MY opinion. Btw, sorry for posting to many times but I’m bored and I’m interested in this subject. If you think more deeply, the main reasons I’ve heard about pocketbikes being unwanted on the roads are these .
1.) Noisy, they irritate some people
2.) Dangerous, drivers can’t see them because they’re too low and it causes danger for pedestrians and motorists.
1.)Okay, I agree that pocketbikes are noisy and it irritates people. Noise irritates me alot too. But how OFTEN do you hear these bikes near your home? I live in Canada, and there’s a place that sells pocketbikes a few miles away from me and I hear those pocketbikes RARELY. Like this year I’ve heard them only 5 times. Does that really bother you? Maybe you live in a place that has many riders, and I understand that. But as long as they’re not on public roads it’s fine because those people are only having fun. You should be grateful that they’re following the rules because the majority of the people that ride these bikes break the law. If someone is constantly riding them on public roads and it’s becoming a nuisance, then you can complain. I don’t complain when my next door neighbors use the chainsaw to cut down the tree and create noise, because he’s big and looks scary and I’m only a kid, but the main reason is that my neighbor was doing something that wasn’t meant to harm anyone.
2.) How often do you personally see people getting hurt on these bikes? Here’s a fact, many people are dying due to car accidents everyday, why aren’t they banned? I’ve NEVER heard of someone dying because of pocketbikes and yet you say they’re dangerous? And not only car accidents, there are also many other things in this world that causes death, and it’s not fun either. Pocketbikes are fun, and riders dont die as often as car drivers. Why don’t we ban cars instead of pocketbikes? Why won’t the government spend more time controlling drugs instead of wasting hours and hours trying to find ways that can make a boy’s life more miserable? Why don’t all of you that complain about pocketbikes go find a site about controlling drugs and talk there? Why are you all so blind? WHY?????
What is wrong with you people. They are just small bikes, quit your crying. You people make me sick. It’s your fault we have so many laws in this country! And it’s your fault I am writing this! You should be ashamed of yourselves, you dirty rotten people! If I got a penny for every time I had to write this, I would have like 32 pennies!!!
When I get my pocket bike I’m going to 70km/h in the park.
When I get my pocket bike I’m going to take the muffler off.
When I get my pocket bike I’m going to get chased down by cops.
Tyvm, pocketbikes aren’t fun if you don’t get to be chased down by cops. I like the adrenaline rush =)
Everyone’s comments are valuable I must first say. Humans have a funny sense of what is safe or what is permissable. Ihave seen many things that have started off as Sacrilege, yet has become common practice. Husband and wife sleeping in separate beds. Yes this used to be common practice. My, how this has changed with sleeping in the same bed has become acceptable. Singing up tempo songs in church. Wow, what a revalation. It used to be against God or someones will to sing and dance spiritedly, which is now the practice today. Riding pocket bikes is no different. People are just not accepting of them now. There are more people dying from cancer and diabetes than riding pocket bikes. These are measurable statistics. SUV’s. I would venture to say that the majority of owners are single adults who buy them for show. They are no more than gas guzzling monsters, which spend most of their time in parking lots at work, moreso than mudding or going off-road (which is their inherent purpose). Visibility is poor in them and they don’t make great family vehicles. I owned two (never again). They drive totally different from cars, which would explain why there are far more accidents in them due to people not learning how to drive in them before they pay for a driver’s license. People fly around curves in them like they are in a road hugging Enzo. Riding any size motor cycle is safe, it’s those individuals in cars who don’t respect traffic laws that cause the problems. Talking on a cell phone, driving too closely, putting on make-up, eating a burger all while looking for a CD in the mid-compartment. Psychological studies have quantitative evidence showing that our attention can only focus on one thing at a time. A motor cycle forces one to pay attention to driving and nothing else. Whereas in a car you have unlimited distractors.
Hello! Help solve the problem.
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Regrettably use of remembering. Give like to be?
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here in south dakota there street and sidewalk legal i hate fing cops in big cities there a holes
ride on !!!!!
i can see rideing up in down a street being a pain in the ass,but to get around town useing this bike is super good with the gas price thes days.people just need to mod them so they arnt loud and where a helmet thats all.all you old heater need to shut ypur traps and deal with it this is usa land of free and brave! yall sound link a bunch of snopz! there are cars way louder then the pocket bikes and moter cycles so get over it! its a fun hobbie go bitch about the war in iraq ! and leave the kids alone! @ least there not gang banging or doing drugz! go worrie about the matters @ hand oil wars! !!!!!!! or move out the city and run to the hillz =[
i can see rideing up in down a street being a pain in the ass,but to get around town useing this bike is super good with the gas price thes days.people just need to mod them so they arnt loud and where a helmet thats all.all you old heater need to shut ypur traps and deal with it this is usa land of free and brave! yall sound link a bunch of snopz! there are cars way louder then the pocket bikes and moter cycles so get over it! its a fun hobbie go bitch about the war in iraq ! and leave the kids alone! @ least there not gang banging or doing drugz! go worrie about the matters @ hand oil wars! !!!!!!! or move out the city and run to the hillz =[
i can see rideing up in down a street being a pain in the ass,but to get around town useing this bike is super good with the gas price thes days.people just need to mod them so they arnt loud and where a helmet thats all.all you old heater need to shut ypur traps and deal with it this is usa land of free and brave! yall sound link a bunch of snopz! there are cars way louder then the pocket bikes and moter cycles so get over it! its a fun hobbie go bitch about the war in iraq ! and leave the kids alone! @ least there not gang banging or doing drugz! go worrie about the matters @ hand oil wars! !!!!!!! or move out the city and run to the hillz =[
Fuck you bitches kiss my ass ill ride down ur street
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if we all hate them then then why are the so popular? old farts seem not to like noise sooo….eat my 3.5 inch exhaust v8 camaro!!! it eats ozone
if we all hate them then then why are the so popular? old farts seem not to like noise sooo….eat my 3.5 inch exhaust v8 camaro!!! it eats ozone