Our bathroom remodel began today. I had the foresight to preserve the room in photographs.
The room has already been gutted. All that remains is the toilet, and I think that goes tomorrow.
Of course, the first day of any remodel reveals all the little hidden things for which one cannot plan, things such as:
- The vent fan, which I want to keep, is not up to code. It will probably have to go.
- The plumber had a headache picking up the bathtub from Rejuvenation. He was forced to wait two hours for somebody to help him. I’m hoping that’s not two hours for which we’ll be billed, but it may be.
- The bathroom walls were built at various times and to various levels. By this I mean that one section of the wall is set back at least half an inch from another section. It’s a Headache.
- The window casing is too deep for its enclosure and will require some tricksy woodworking.
- And worst — and most expensive — the electrical panel is totally illegal. It’s currently mounted in the cellar stairwell, on the back side of the bathroom wall. Apparently this is Not Good. The electrical panel will have to be completely relocated.
This whole project, while necessary, and sure to be wonderful when completed, has been causing me a great deal of stress for the past six months. I cannot wait for it to be finished. Until then, I’ll be rather anxious.
Great article, the pictures make it a great article for someone doing their first bathroom, or their fifth. I linked to this post from my website.
Brandon Hopkins