One of the benefits of having many blogs with many readers is that these readers send me many, many interesting things. It makes my life easier. (Sort of.) Here’s a piece sent to me by David Hatch, who sends me a lot of good stuff (though it’s usually about personal finance).
This video pretty much sums up my world view.
“Laugh while you can, monkey boy!” — John Whorfin, Buckaroo Banzai
There are billboards down here asking “who’s trying to turn you into a monkey” and directing to the following site
And then the monkeys make elitist YouTube videos and blog posts calling the other monkeys out as monkeys.
I am happy to be just another monkey.
Monkeys and Buckaroo Banzai! What a great entry!
“It’s not my goddamn planet. Understand, monkey boy?” — John Bigboote
And, of course, the greatest line of them all: “Big-boo-TAY! TAY! TAY!!!”